预告(6月26日 周三18:00-18:55)|外周及神经介入领域迪玛克产品应用分享会
Demax will hold a sharing session focusing on the application of products in the field of peripheral and neurological interventions on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, from 18:00 to 18:55 Beijing Time.This seminar will provide you with an in-depth analysis on the practical application of Demax's high-pressure balloon in-deflation device, PTA balloon and introducer sheath kits in surgery.此次分享将围绕外周及神经领域疾病的定义、病变类型、前沿治疗方案、先进术式以及手术中对专业器械的需求,旨在为国际代理商提供全面而深入的介入科普。
This seminar will focus on the definition of peripheral and neurological diseases, types of lesions, cutting-edge treatment options, advanced surgical procedures, and the need for specialized instruments in surgery, aiming to provide international agents with comprehensive and in-depth interventional science and technology.Join us
We hope that through this sharing, we can enhance the international distributors' understanding of Demax products and deepen their knowledge in the field of intervention. We look forward to your participation to get more about Demax's excellence in peripheral and neurological interventions.如需参与,欢迎联系迪玛克国际市场相关负责人,进入会议。
If you wish to participate, please contact the relevant person in charge of Demax International Market to join the meeting.We're looking forward to seeing you.